Define Your Space

As I mentioned in a previous article, and using the Queen of England as an example, everyone has limited space,.  The term “space” is simply a relative term.  Her Majesty has more space available to her than I because she has different needs than I, therefore, I won’t attempt to keep the same number of things as she.  This is just common sense.

Comparing the needs of the Queen of England with mine, well there really aren’t any.  However, it creates a great visual of what I am talking about.

When Her Majesty throws a dinner party, it is for hundreds of people.  Me…max of eight. Do you think I would need the same size dining table as Her Majesty? No.  Her Majesty is in the public eye daily…I am at home everyday.  Do you think I would need the same number of suits or dresses as she?  Of course not.

I think you get my point.

What needs to be done before defining space for your stuff is to learn about yourself and what stuff you actually need.  Take an honest assessment of what you, in the manner in which you live, really must have at your disposal when working in that particular (defined) space.  This will help you discern how much, or little, space you will need.

Beware, however, when making comparisons with other commoners!  It is easy to fall into a trap when you begin comparing your life to The Jones (your neighbors, relatives, friends or colleagues).  Read the following example for the thought process to prevent falling into this trap.

One of my neighbors is a professional chef, another one is a mechanic; I live in the Information Technology world.  What needs do you think each of us has based upon that limited information?  Ask yourself…of the three mentioned, who spends more time in a kitchen.?  The chef, of course. Would I or the mechanic need to have the same number of high caliber kitchen tools as the chef?  I seriously doubt it.  WHY?  Because the majority of my time is spent on a computer, not in a kitchen, nor would my mechanic neighbor who spends most of his time in a garage.

BUT you say, “everyone needs a kitchen”.  True, so read on.

Here is another trap that is very easy to fall into when defining your space.  STS (SELF-TALK SABATOGE)…by adding the word “COULD I” to your thinking.

Did you notice I used the terms “would” and “need” earlier?  It is VERY important that you use the terms “WOULD I” instead of “COULD  I” when thinking about stuff  that you need.  Could I choose to have the same number of high caliber of kitchen tools as my chef neighbor…sure!  However, would I need them given the fact that I am not a chef and I spend the majority of my time on a computer?

It really comes down to being conscience of what YOUR needs are for a particular space and making appropriate decisions based upon healthy self-talk.

Define your priorities and then STICK to them.  You will have less clutter in your life, more time to spare, and you’ll save yourself some money too!

Please stay tuned, there is more to come about defining spaces.

All content Copyright Barbara Nichols 2011

3 responses to “Define Your Space

  1. Love it! Like your style too – very ADD-friendly. With my crew (and myself, I’m the ADD Poster Girl), permissions are MUCH more effective motivators than shame, and the would/could distinction is helpful. I’ have begun a series for my ADD-focused blog ( based on an upcoming book, STUFF-and Nonsense. Feel free to add a link with a quick comment on posts related to what you are writing (GOOD JOB! shared on FB and LinkedIn)
    mgh (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, SCAC, MCC – blogging at ADDandSoMuchMore and ADDerWorld – dot com!)

  2. Pingback: STUFF – and Nonsense! « ADD . . . and-so-much-more

  3. Pingback: OHIO – OMG! « ADD . . . and-so-much-more

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